21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

2021 CC Statistic Report (U11d)

20 Oct 2021
4:30 pm-5:00 pm

2021 CC Statistic Report (U11d)

CC Scraper is a tool developed by jtsec four years ago that that analyses automatically the information from the CC portal using OCR capabilities and other features. Including detailed insights about Common Criteria from Certification Bodies web sites, trends by Protection Profile, ranking of manufacturer, among others.

We have published free annually reports for the CC community, since we have received a great feedback from several stakeholders. In last year’s edition, we presented the statistics for 2020, an unusual year due to the pandemic, nevertheless, it was the second year with the highest number of Common Criteria certifications achieved.

But, what are the data for 2021 and how is the market performing this year? This presentation will show, describe and discuss about the last version of the CC Statistics report with particular emphasis on how the industry is facing a general economic recovery process overcoming the pandemic and how it is impacting on cybersecurity certifications.