21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Adopting the New Evaluation Methods and Activities in ISO/IEC 15408-4 (R01c)

16 Nov 2020
5:00 pm-5:30 pm

Adopting the New Evaluation Methods and Activities in ISO/IEC 15408-4 (R01c)

The new ISO version of Common Criteria introduces an extra part 4 that defines a framework for deriving Evaluation Activities from work units of the CEM (ISO/IEC 18045) and grouping them into ‘Evaluation Methods’. The content in this document started from the experience of developing Evaluation Activities in Supporting Documents for CC international Technical Communities, but has been reworked and updated using the ISO editing cycle to widen the participation and consensus on how to incorporate Evaluation Activities for specific technologies or TOE types into the updated CC general model in the new ISO version of CC part 1. This presentation describes the concepts in part 4, and how to apply them for specifying requirements using the new ISO CC.