21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Common Criteria in the Cloud, Is This the End or Just the Beginning? (A22a)

05 Nov 2024
1:30 pm

Common Criteria in the Cloud, Is This the End or Just the Beginning? (A22a)

The Common Criteria in the Cloud Technical Community (CCitC TC) has authored guidance for protection profile authors who wish to expand the scope of their PPs to add cloud platforms. The guidance was published in early 2024 after a four-year project that started at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. Since publication, the team has been working on broadening the guidance to provide instructions for labs and suggestions for schemes as the CC is extended to the cloud. In this talk the Chair of the CCitC TC will look back on the process of authoring the guidance, the challenges, and successes, as well as what’s next for the TC going forward.