21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Guidance Development and Awareness Raising on EU Certification (U12b)

15 Nov 2022
2:45 pm

Guidance Development and Awareness Raising on EU Certification (U12b)

ENISA’s mission is not only to develop the future European Cybersecurity Certification Schemes and related documents but also to make sure the ecosystem has all tools in hand to apprehend them. Thus the role of the European Agency is to disseminate and spread the word about EU Cybersecurity Certifications across Europe. How to start with EU Cybersecurity Certification? How to understand the new EU Certification Framework and the different documentation?
How can you become an actor of EU Cybersecurity Certification?
Through these questions Chloe Blondeau will present guidance, online tools and media ENISA has developed to support the adoption of EU Cybersecurity Certification.