21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Hardcopy Devices iTC Update (U10b)

17 Nov 2020
1:30 pm-2:00 pm

Hardcopy Devices iTC Update (U10b)

The purpose of the Hardcopy Devices collaborative protection profile (HCD cPP) is to facilitate efficient procurement of Commercial Off-The-Shelf product using the Common Criteria methodology for information technology security evaluation. Previously, Hardcopy Devices have been evaluated based on three existing protection profiles such as IEEE 2600.1 (EAL3+), IEEE 2600.2 (EAL2+), and HCD PP or ST evaluation. The CCDB Hardcopy Devices WG was installed by the CCDB in 2018 and the CCMC updated the endorsement status of the international Technical Community for Hardcopy devices in 2020. HCD iTC has prepared the Hardcopy Devices iTC to harmonize the specification and evaluation of Hardcopy Devices. An important part of the move to HCD cPP is to improve the ways that evaluation and certification of Hardcopy Devices and consolidate the fragmented security baseline with efficiency and effectiveness of evaluation with a new collaborative protection profile. This presentation will introduce the process of developing HCD cPP under CCRA. This presentation will take a look at the formation, operation, challenges of HCD iTC. Especially, this presentation includes how HCD iTC uses the Github iTC template that was provided by Team Tools WG.