4-6 November | Sheraton Grand Doha, Qatar

Common Criteria, the Building Blocks for Commerical Solutions for Classified (CSfC) (A31b)

02 Nov 2023
11:15 am

Common Criteria, the Building Blocks for Commerical Solutions for Classified (CSfC) (A31b)

Overview of the Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program’s structure and value to its end customer community, and this program’s reliance on layered security provided by multiple CC certified products. Review the impact on a CC evaluation’s security claims when CSfC eligibility is desired and explain the need for the additional rigor. Discuss the actions required by the vendor and CCTL during and post the CC evaluation. Provide lessons learned as a CCTL and a CSfC Trusted Integrator to better prepare vendors for their product’s CC certification and its use within a CSfC Capability Package.