21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Sponsor Services ICCC24

The main contact at each sponsor receives a Sponsor Service Letter by email, containing information that is specific to their sponsorship. Following is general information for all sponsors. For assistance, sponsors may contact contact Kevin Bullock, Sponsorship Programs Manager, [email protected], +1 501-222-1430.

Conference Location

ICCC24 will be held at the Sheraton Grand in Doha, Qatar.


ICCC Headquarters Hotel
Al Corniche Street, Doha, Qatar

Sponsor Registration

Please register using the Coupon Codes included in your sponsor service letter. Please complete registrations at least 14 days prior to the event. 

Sponsor Set-up and Schedule

The exhibitor list and floor plan can be found here.

Sunday, November 3

Time Event
18:00 Exhibitor Set Up Begins
21:00 Exhibitor Set Up Ends


Monday, November 4

Time Event
07:00 Exhibitor Set Up Continues
08:00 Attendee Access to Plenary Session
09:00 Keynote Plenary Session Begins/Exhibitor Set Up Ends
10:15 Keynote Plenary Session Ends
Networking Break in Exhibits (through 11:00)
13:00 Lunch in Exhibit Area (through 14:00)
15:30 Networking Break in Exhibits (through 16:00)
19:30 Welcome Reception in Exhibits
CC Certificate Presentation Ceremony
21:30 Reception Ends, Exhibits Close

Tuesday, November 5

Time Event
07:00 Exhibitor Access to Exhibit Area
08:00 Exhibits Open. Networking Break
in Exhibits (through 09:00)
10:30 Networking Break in Exhibits (through 11:00)
12:30 Lunch in Exhibit Area (through 13:30)
15:00 Networking Break in Exhibits (through 15:30)
15:30 Exhibits Close. Exhibitor Move Out Begins
18:00 Exhibitor Move Out Ends

Sponsor Services

“Pop-up” style backdrops are permitted. Complete information regarding shipping, drayage, setup, AV, electrical, IT and AV equipment services is included in the Sponsor Services kit.


Table-top Exhibit Booth space provided with 5’ x 30” (~2M x 1M) table, chair, and company ID sign

Shipping to the Event

If you are shipping materials to the attention of Show Management (welcome packet inserts, items for distribution) or sponsor/booth materials, please email [email protected].

Hotel Reservations

Hotels fill up quickly. Discount reservations for the Sheraton Grand Doha, Qatar are available at this link.

Conference Program Advertising

Deadline: October 4, 2024. If your sponsorship includes advertising the in the conference program, please see the specifications and submission form at this link.

Promote Your Participation

We’ve included links to various event promotion materials at this link. We encourage you to post information and links on your web site, social media, and email your clients.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsors provide amenities and hospitality that otherwise would not be available to conference attendees. Interested in making additional contact with attendees, showcasing your participation and driving additional traffic to your booth? Complete sponsorship information can be found at this link.