21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

2024 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Title Sponsors

Red Hat

Platinum Sponsor

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver reliable and high-performing Linux, hybrid cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies. Red Hat helps customers integrate new and existing IT applications, develop cloud-native applications, standardize on our industry-leading operating system, and automate, secure, and manage complex environments. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. As a strategic partner to cloud providers, system integrators, application vendors, customers, and open source communities, Red Hat can help organizations prepare for the digital future.


UL Solutions

Gold Sponsor

A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security, and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth.


Applus Laboratories

Silver Sponsor

Applus+ Laboratories is a division of the Applus+ Group that provides testing and certification from a network of multidisciplinary laboratories in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Our Cybersecurity laboratories support developers of ICT products, components, and systems to demonstrate the compliance with applicable requirements and standards. 

In 2022, the cybersecurity labs jtsec and Lightship Security became part of Applus+.

We provide Common Criteria evaluations worldwide, EAL based and PP-based for various schemes, including NIAP-listing and SOG-IS Technical Domains. We are also active contributors for EUCC scheme definition. Our labs are accredited for FIPS 140-3, the Spanish LINCE, and other schemes.


Securus Consulting Group

Silver Sponsor

ICT products securing critical or confidential capabilities must be evaluated to ensure the underlying software, hardware, and supply-chain protects the capability. Securus, an ASD licenced AISEF Common Criteria Lab (provisionally), is dedicated to strengthening security through searching for and dealing with design weakness, implementation errors, and manufacturing issues across the ICT lifecycle.



Silver Sponsor

TÜV Informationstechnik (TÜVIT), based in Essen, Germany, is one of the world’s leading service providers for Common Criteria (CC) evaluations of hardware and software and is authorized to perform evaluations according to a total of five different country schemes. In addition to the CC certification in Germany, TÜVIT also offers the possibility of completing certification in Japan (JISEC), Singapore (SCCS), Qatar (QCCS) or the Netherlands (NSCIB). With more than 60 licensed evaluators, we have successfully completed over 700 evaluation projects according to CC (from EAL1 to EAL7).


Leading Sponsors

atsec information security

CCUF Exclusive Luncheon & Conference Break Sponsor

atsec information security is an international, independent, standards-based Information Technology security consulting, evaluation, and testing services company that combines a business-oriented approach to information security with in-depth technical knowledge. Through our presence in Europe, U.S. and Asia, we address commercial and government sectors worldwide. Our colleagues are experts in various technologies, including operating systems, databases, network devices, embedded systems, and many more. Our laboratories evaluate and test commercial products against standards such as Common Criteria, FIPS 140-3, O-TTPS, PCI, ISO/IEC 27001, NESAS, MDCert, SESIP, IEEE 2621 Medical Device Certification, and FIDOO to assure users about the security of products they buy and use. We have conducted many vulnerability assessments, cryptographic tests, security audits, and independent assessments for customers of varying sizes, including customers in the telecommunications, financial, energy, and defense sectors.



Exclusive Opening Reception Host Sponsor

CCLab is an ISO 17025 accredited, agile cybersecurity lab with over 10 years of experience, primarily in Common Criteria assessments and consulting. Accredited ITSEF for EUCC and Testing Laboratory under the CB scheme for standards IEC 62443-4-1, IEC 62443-4-2, and ETSI 303 645, CCLab continues to expand its reach globally, with successful projects across Europe, the United States, and Asia. The company actively supports conformity assessments in sectors such as energy, IoT, industrial and automation control systems, automotive suppliers, and medical devices. Since 2019, CCLab has been a market leader in data security evaluations for the energy industry, particularly in smart metering systems for the Swiss market. Its agile methodology, combined with the expertise of its highly qualified team, ensures efficient project execution and competitive pricing for its customers.



Conference Track Sponsor

On the road, at work and at home – DEKRA’s skilled experts create increased safety and security across all the key areas of life. The company has a clear and ambitious vision of the future. The vision for the company’s 100th birthday in 2025 is to see DEKRA as the global partner for a safe and secure world.

Our broad service portfolio with qualified and independent expert services range from vehicle inspection and expert appraisals to claims services, industrial and building inspections, safety consultancy, testing, cybersecurity evaluation and certification and penetration testing of products and systems, as well as training courses and temporary work.

The Cybersecurity division of DEKRA is an internationally recognized leading Common Criteria IT security evaluation facility and FIPS 140-3 testing laboratory for cryptographic modules.

The lab is accredited under the CCRA terms in the Spanish and Turkish schemes for the latest Common Criteria version and in the Spanish scheme under the SOGIS terms in the Hardware Devices with Security Boxes Technical Domain. DEKRA is also accredited by the USA NIST Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP).

Our lab is currently on the leading edge of the practical application of security evaluation and testing. Our business model is based on long-term investment with our customers and in the sharing and community progress of the application of the CC and FIPS 140-3, as demonstrated by our presence and presentation of results at the International Common Criteria Conference during the past years and our investments in the applicable standards development.



Conference Track Sponsor

Secure-IC, the Security Science company, has established a thought leadership position in the cybersecurity world for embedded systems. With a global presence on 5 continents, Secure-IC sets itself apart by accompanying customers along the IC lifecycle cybersecurity challenges providing best in class protection technologies, integrated Secure Elements (iSE) and security IPs (SecuryzrTM), with evaluation tools for security assurance and certification readiness (LaboryzrTM.)
We protect companies against cyber-physical attacks and guarantee at each stage of the design process that the optimal security level is reached for a given vertical market application.


Teron Labs

Badge/Lanyard Sponsor

Teron Labs is a Common Criteria laboratory, based in Australia, under the Australian Information Security Evaluation Program (AISEP). We are also a FIPS 140 laboratory. Our Common Criteria evaluations are regularly cross-posted the NIAP PCL. Our goal is to help organisations around the world to gain certifications in a timely and predictable manner. We understand that delays in the certification process can result in a loss of sales for your business, therefore, we are able to work with you closely throughout the product development and evaluation processes to make sure that your product is able to be certified without encountering any roadblocks. Unlike other laboratories, which are embedded within large multinational and general cyber security services organisations, the focus of Teron Labs is security testing of ICT products, specialising in Common Criteria and FIPS 140. This focus, together with a simpler business structure and low overheads, provides Teron Labs with a competitive edge in delivering personalized consulting and testing solutions.



eShard SAS


eShard is a cybersecurity specialist that develops and markets cybersecurity testing solutions. eShard’s solutions allow industries to qualify their cybersecurity protections in the face of the complexity of attacks. To date, eShard has 2 software product offerings to increase confidence in digital: 1/ esDynamic : Evaluation of the resistance of chips to physical attacks (SCA, Glitch, EMFI, LFI) in the most critical layers of the systems (cryptographic algorithms, bootloader…) 2/ esReverse : Binary analysis platform for vulnerability research for Intel, Arm or Risc V systems. eShard also offers indepedant testing services and training for these two fields of expertise.




At Keysight (NYSE: KEYS), we inspire and empower innovators to bring world-changing technologies to life. As an S&P 500 company, we’re delivering market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions to help engineers develop and deploy faster, with less risk, throughout the entire product life cycle. We’re a global innovation partner enabling customers in communications, industrial automation, aerospace and defense, automotive, semiconductor, and general electronics markets to accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. Learn more at Keysight Newsroom and https://www.keysight.com.




Networks are under constant attack and sensitive assets continue to be exposed. More than ever, leveraging encryption is a vital mandate for addressing threats to data as it crosses networks. Thales Network encryptors provide maximum data protection and network security, without compromising network or application performance. Thales Network Encryptors provide customers with a single platform to ‘encrypt everywhere’—from network traffic between data centers and the headquarters to backup and disaster recovery sites, whether on premises or in the cloud. Thales High Speed Encryption Solutions feature near-zero latency and overhead, and deliver maximum performance, high availability data-in-motion security without compromise.


Supporting Sponsors


Leading Association Sponsor

The Common Criteria Users Forum (CCUF) was founded in 2012 and is a community based around those using the Common Criteria and ISO/IEC 15408 standards. The CCUF is an evolution of the CC Vendors’ forum (founded in 2004) and the CC Forum (founded in 2010). The Common Criteria Users’ Forum mission is to provide a voice and communications channel between the CC community and the CC organizational committees, CC evaluation schemes, and policy makers.



Partnering Sponsor

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) is a non-for-profit organisation, established in 2016. ECSO unites more than 250 European cybersecurity stakeholders, including large companies, SMEs and startups, research centres, universities, end-users, operators, associations and national administrations. ECSO works with its Members and Partners to develop a competitive European cybersecurity ecosystem providing trusted cybersecurity solutions and advancing Europe’s cybersecurity posture and its technological independence.



Partnering Sponsor

With over 25 years of experience, Eurosmart gathers technological experts in the field of Digital Security. This Brussels-based association advocates for a high security level in digital interactions.

Members of Eurosmart are designers or manufacturers of secure elements, semiconductors, smart cards, systems on chip, High Security Hardware and terminals; biometric technology providers; system integrators; secure software and application developers and issuers. Members are also involved in security evaluation as laboratories, consulting companies, research organisations and associations.



Association Sponsor

GlobalPlatform is a technical standards organization that enables the efficient launch and management of innovative, secure-by-design digital services and devices, which deliver end-to-end security, privacy, simplicity and convenience to users. It achieves this by providing standardized technologies and certifications that empower technology and service providers to develop, certify, deploy and manage digital services and devices in line with their business, security, regulatory and data protection needs.


Mid East Information

Event Sponsor

mid-east.info is a leading business news and information publisher that covers the greater Middle East region. Since 2012, we have been providing daily updates on news, articles, reports, and other forms of content for professionals interested in doing business in the Middle East. Our goal is to offer instant business updates, market data, tips, reports, and analysis to help business professionals stay informed about the MENA region.



Association Sponsor

OASIS is a nonprofit consortium advancing open standards and open source development on a global scale. We’re the home of KMIP, STIX, TAXII, OpenC2, PKCS#11, SAML and CACAO course-of-action playbooks. One of our largest open source projects is the Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA). OCA is building an open ecosystem where cybersecurity products interoperate without the need for customized integrations. OCA open project operates independently under industry-approved process and IPR policies. All are welcome to participate.



Trusted Connectivity Alliance (TCA) is a global, non-profit industry association working to enable trust in a connected future. The organisation’s vision is to drive the sustained growth of a connected society through trusted connectivity which protects assets, end user privacy and networks.

TCA members are leaders within the global Tamper Resistant Element (TRE) ecosystem, and work collectively to define requirements and provide deliverables of a strategic, technical and marketing nature. This enables all stakeholders in our connected society to benefit from the most stringent secure connectivity solutions that leverage TCA members’ expertise in tamper proof end-to-end-security.
