21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Security: The Second Wave of Convergence (A12b)

15 Nov 2022
2:45 pm

Security: The Second Wave of Convergence (A12b)

During the 1990’s the introduction of the internet, web browser, email and resulting electronic services led to an initial commercialization wave of crypto and security technologies. During this time security technology evolved from serving the needs of government and military to solving problems in the public domain. This disruptive convergence led to new security innovations and wide adoption of security technologies in the public domain. With the emergence of 5G, and the age of hyper-connectivity, a second wave of disruptive convergence is upon us. That second wave is defined by the hyper-connectivity of devices resulting in the adoption of these devices into high value services and deeply embedded into mission critical applications. The consequence from hyper-connectivity with respect to security risk and liability is having significant impact on the SoC industry. In addition, today’s geo-political landscape is driving regional regulatory requirements that are serving to drive global fragmentation and challenge security interoperability and scale needed to protect consumers. Today we will discuss the impact these forces are having on the future direction of SoC security technology.