21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

2020 Statistics Report. Is the Industry Surviving to Lockdown? (U11c)

17 Nov 2020
4:00 pm-4:30 pm

2020 Statistics Report. Is the Industry Surviving to Lockdown? (U11c)

CC Scraper is a python script that analyses automatically the information from the CC portal using OCR capabilities, pdf reading and other features providing a comprehensive statistics report of the CC certifications. CCScrapper tool was presented for the first time as part of the 17th Common Criteria Conference that toke place in Amsterdam in 2018. Since this time, we have published a report every 6 months which were freely available for the CC community. We have received great feedback from labs, vendors and users and we have not lost the opportunity to implement them in our tool! The next reports contain better insight of what’s happening in the Common Criteria world, including information from the Certification Bodies web sites, trends by Protection Profile, weighted measures of laboratory capacities and much much more. As part of this presentation, we will show, explain and discuss, the last version of the CC statistics report analyzing the impact of the lockdown in the industry.