21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Automotive Chips Requirements: ISO 26262 & ISO/SAE FDIS 21434 (M11d)

20 Oct 2021
4:30 pm-5:00 pm

Automotive Chips Requirements: ISO 26262 & ISO/SAE FDIS 21434 (M11d)

The automotive market is encountering a revolution, under the combined effect of electrification and the progress of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). Electronic chips require to meet very high standards in terms of safety and cybersecurity.

Normative landscape is stabilizing. Safety is governed by ISO 26262, which has been enriched in 2018 with an eleventh part on dealing on the application to semiconductors. Cybersecurity will be the topic of forthcoming ISO/SAE 21434, currently at FDIS stage. Notice that evaluation frameworks are already in place for some specific electronic control units (ECUs), such as the Car2Car Protection Profile (PP) for the V2X ECU.

In this talk, I will detail how the normative requirements impact the silicon design, through the analysis of chips lifecycle: provisioning, operation (boot, mission mode, reaction in case of hazard/bug/, etc.), maintenance, and decommissioning. In particular, I shall stress the synergies in terms of sensors and their correlation to derive both safety and cyber-physical statuses. I will give a methodology to validate aforementioned circuit status checking sensors in terms of ASIL level (FIT level) and the provisional Cybersecurity Assurance Levels (CALs — related to targeted attacks). More precisely, I will relate the configuration of sensors (number, position, response accuracy and rate) to the expected safety & cybersecurity levels. This quantitative information allows for non-ambiguous verification, and is highly appreciated by third part certification laboratories.