21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Automotive Cyber Security (L20a)

18 Nov 2020
1:00 pm-1:30 pm

Automotive Cyber Security (L20a)

The Automotive market is undergoing a massive digital and cultural transformation. Traditionally driven by safety standards, the market is now adopting the new cyber security requirements in different shapes and forms being technology, standards, regulations and endless consortiums. Keywords like C2C-CC, CCC, UNECE WP.29, SPY Act, C-ITS Delegated Act and ISO21434, among others, resonate with the market in a current state of evolution. Under this scenario, secure software and hardware vendors supplying Tier 1 OEM’s are looking for support that allow them to manage this complexity. The Car OEMs themselves are also looking for marked oriented and cost effective solutions to handle cyber security. This presentation makes the case for the use of best practices from mature secure evaluations methodologies such as CC, supporting those vendors addressing use cases around compliance, risk management and accountability, as the way to become future cyber security proof.