21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Certification Requirements of a Common Criteria Certification of a General Purpose Operating System Vendor (A30c)

02 Nov 2023
10:00 am

Certification Requirements of a Common Criteria Certification of a General Purpose Operating System Vendor (A30c)

Meeting Customers Expectations and Requirements in times of dramatically changing legal and technological environment is not easy. Upcoming legislation and regulation changes in Europe meet changes in the United States as well as increasing challenges by nation state action level security threats for the customers. On the other side are DevOps and Kubernetes Container Architectures game changers for the control layer. Customers can choose between Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Colocation, classical Datacenter and any mix of those deployment forms thinkable including migration and rapid changes. Certifications can grand legal certainty but the scenarios above do challenge the Certification Reality.