21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Eurosmart ISCI WG1—Evaluation Methodology for High-Security Evaluations (L30c)

17 Nov 2022
10:00 am

Eurosmart ISCI WG1—Evaluation Methodology for High-Security Evaluations (L30c)

With more than 70 participants, the Eurosmart ISCI WG1 group is one of the main contributors to a common framework for certifications based on the Common Criteria standard up to the highest levels of assurance (up to EAL7, ALC_DVS.2 and AVA_VAN.5). ISCI WG1 operates in close collaboration with the JIL-WG. The group encompasses experts from certification bodies, ITSEFs and vendors. This talk will introduce the audience into the setup, mission and vision of the group. Furthermore, this talk will summarize the current ISCI WG1 activities:
• Methodologies for 3S in SOC evaluations
• Update of the Minimal Site Security Requirements (MSSR) to enable secure work from home
• Transition rules for the introduction of Common Criteria 2022
• SOG-IS migration to EUCC