21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

FIPS vs CC: What Drives Certification Demand for HSMs? (M02a)

16 Nov 2020
6:00 pm-6:30 pm

FIPS vs CC: What Drives Certification Demand for HSMs? (M02a)

Product security certifications in today’s ever-changing environment are impacting traditional markets.

Common Criteria certification demand has soared in the European regulated markets for digital signature (eIDAS), deprecation of NIST algorithms are affecting the payment’s industry… Is FIPS 140 still the main security assurance standard for the HSM industry? What other standards are driving certification in the HSM market?

The speakers will present: 

– What drives demand for certification in the HSM industry.
– What is the market demanding: FIPS or CC, or others?
– nCipher´s view as an experienced vendor.