4-6 November | Sheraton Grand Doha, Qatar

Innovating CC: The Use of ChatGPT in Drafting Protection Profiles and Security Targets (D22a)

01 Nov 2023
1:30 pm

Innovating CC: The Use of ChatGPT in Drafting Protection Profiles and Security Targets (D22a)

Imagine a scenario where one is tasked with drafting a Protection Profile (PP) or Security Target (ST) that must align with the rigorous Common Criteria (CC) standards. The process involves navigating through intricate technical specifications, threat modeling, and standards requirements, requiring significant time, attention to detail, and effort.
Now, envision a different approach. ChatGPT, a language model fine-tuned with optimized prompts, takes on the heavy lifting. It swiftly progresses through the draft, accurately filling in the intricate details that perfectly align with CC standards. Within a fraction of the usual time and effort, a draft that is 90% complete emerges.
This talk takes the audience on a journey from the traditional laborious approach to a modern, streamlined one, enhanced by AI. The focus is on ChatGPT, its capabilities, and how it has been tailored to address the specific challenges of drafting PPs and STs. The process is elucidated, highlighting the iterative optimization and continuous learning from feedback that have paved the way for this innovative solution.
The narrative extends to the future, exploring the transformative potential of this technology in the information security industry. The scalability of the method, the time and effort saved, and the enhanced accuracy in aligning with CC standards are all discussed.

Attendees are invited to join this exploration of the future of AI in CC compliance, where the complexities of CC processes are simplified through the power of AI.