21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Roland Atoui

Managing Director, Red Alert Labs

Roland Atoui

Managing Director, Red Alert Labs


Roland Atoui, Managing Director & Founder, a Cybersecurity Certification expert with more than 15 years of recognized achievements in both research and industry. From smart cards up to cloud services. Roland is a new technology enthusiast with a current mission to bring trust to the IoT. Roland has achieved a series of world-first publications, evaluations of new products and services. He is a recognized certification expert and represents the French delegation in ESO and ISO activities. He is behind the development and/or a main contributor to several ICT/IoT certification schemes and standards such as EUCC, FIDO, FDO, Eurosmart IoT, IoTSF, ioXtAlliance, EN 303645 and ISO 27402. Finally, Roland is awarded TOP 100 worldwide IoT influencers by IoTOne for the past 2 years.


All sessions by Roland Atoui