21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

ISCI WG1—High-Secure Remote Work—The Response to the Post-COVID Hybrid Mode Demand (A13c)

ISCI WG1—High-Secure Remote Work—The Response to the Post-COVID Hybrid Mode Demand (A13c)

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis that hit the world in 2020, forced many companies to enable remote working opportunities to continue their operation while minimizing the amount of staff that had to continue to work on premise.
Even in the scope of high-security product developments, intermediate solutions had been set-up and approved to cope with this situation.
Situation become more complex while employees requested to keep the hybrid working mode of office-home even in post-COVID time.
ISCI-WG1 took the challenge and established the High-Secure Remote Work subgroup for coping with modern work-place requirements and adjusting the MSSR (Minimum Site Security Requirements) accordingly.

This team work will be presented.