4-6 November | Sheraton Grand Doha, Qatar

Java Card Protection Profile Update to CC:2022 and the Development of a Multi-Assurance Protection Profile (M20a)

05 Nov 2024
9:00 am

Java Card Protection Profile Update to CC:2022 and the Development of a Multi-Assurance Protection Profile (M20a)

The first certification of the Java Card protection profile was in 2003. Since then, it has been regularly updated to reflect changes in both Common Criteria and the Java Card specification. The most recent certification in 2020 introduced new features for version 3.1 of the Java Card specification.

CC:2022 and the release of version 3.2 of the Java Card specification have triggered work on an upcoming update. In addition, efforts to generate a multi-assurance version of the protection profile will also be presented. CC:2022 has made very high assurance (EAL6+) evaluations difficult for Java Card developers, and a multi-assurance protection profile should allow them to continue to perform the formal modeling on a sub-section of the product.