21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Keynote: Securing the Edge: The Role of Third-Party Security Verification (P00b)

16 Nov 2020
1:05 pm-1:35 pm

Keynote: Securing the Edge: The Role of Third-Party Security Verification (P00b)

Connected devices are becoming a major part of all our lives. Dedicated connected devices are becoming more and more use case based, targeting for example, industrial applications, household applications, automated cars, vending machines etc. These use case products rely on multiple connections that are moving away from direct cloud connectivity and are now connecting more and more at the edge. This means that data is being transferred and consumed at the edge and also means that the edge becomes a lucrative attack point for hackers. NXP is adding hardware based, localized security features that can safely process and protect private information that is stored away from the cloud. NXP though is only one part of the supply chain for a security infrastructure, supply chains are now worldwide and we must rely on security standards, practices and certification to ensure that this global supply chain comes together to protect infrastructure and the more importantly the wellbeing and financial assets of the global citizen. Our industry if facing key challenges that disrupt the goal of having secure supply chains e.g. current geopolitical trends disrupt this security model and the technical security requirements of the past are being driven by political dynamics. This talk will discuss the current climate and the part that industry practices and certification standards can work together to protect infrastructure.