21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

The EMVCo Security Evaluation Processes for IoT (L21d)

18 Nov 2020
4:30 pm-5:00 pm

The EMVCo Security Evaluation Processes for IoT (L21d)

In an increasingly connected world, use cases across various IoT verticals now require payment functionality. This includes retail and e-commerce, smart home and entertainment, consumer wearables and mobile payment applications, consumer electronic products, and multiple transportation solutions. In this presentation EMVCo will explain how its existing security evaluation methodologies and processes can support emerging IoT payment use cases. It will also provide an overview of the EMVCo Security Evaluation process and its role in the industry. Since 2005 technical body, EMVCo, has evaluated the security of EMV® Integrated Circuit, Platform and Integrated Circuit Card products, and more recently alternative hardware form factors, such as embedded Secure Elements and System on Chips. In 2018, EMVCo extended the Security Evaluation process scope to handle solutions that enable payment transactions on a mobile device.