21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Alexander Krumeich

Head of Certification/Senior Software Developer, n-design GmbH

Alexander Krumeich

Head of Certification/Senior Software Developer, n-design GmbH


Alexander Krumeich has been a software developer with a focus on Java and Unix since the late nineties. He has been introduced to the world of IT security certifications in 2015. He is now Head of Certification at n-design. Alexander and his team create the developer documentation for several TOEs in the German health care system. Whenever there’s time, he supports his developer colleagues by improving development processes and build management. Five years ago, Alexander has started developing n-doc, an alternative approach to creating CC documentation. n-doc is based on LaTeX, Lua and best practices in software engineering. In 2020, n-doc was published under an open source licence on GitHub. Since then, n-doc has been successfully adopted by clients in the health care industry.