21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Francois Guerin

ISCI-WG1 chairman, Security Program Manager, Thales

Francois Guerin

ISCI-WG1 chairman, Security Program Manager, Thales


As chairman of the working group, He represents International Smart Card Initiative (ISCI) working group 1, dedicated to CC methodology.

He has been working for product and system security evaluation for more than 20 years. He has been involved in plenty of evaluations using standard schemes (ITSEC, Common Criteria) using several European certification schemes.
He has also performed some product validations using standard US schemes (FIPS 140, FIPS 201) or different private schemes (PayTV, Mobile Network Operator, Banking).
He has assisted to several ICCC conferences, has already presented four papers in previous conferences, and drove a panel discussion.

As Thales representative, he participates to EUROSMART, ISCI, CEN and ISO/SC27 WG3 working groups providing several innovations included in JIL documents.
He has been involved in all main European protection profiles dedicated to smartcard products and server signing solutions.

He also actively contributed to several European projects for innovation.