21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Joshua Brickman

Senior Director, Security Evaluations, Oracle

Joshua Brickman

Senior Director, Security Evaluations, Oracle


Joshua Brickman is the Senior Director for Security Evaluations at Oracle Corporation. Josh and his team are responsible for all Common Criteria, FIPS and other security related certifications. He is a frequent speaker at relevant conferences; including the 2023 ICCC and ICMC. He has been a speaker or a panelist at eight of the last ten International Common Criteria Conferences. Josh is the founder and chair of the Common Criteria in the Cloud Technical Community which published the first version of the CC in the Cloud Guidance for Cloud Evaluations in February 2024. He holds an undergraduate degree from Emerson College and a Masters in Management from Lesley University.

All sessions by Joshua Brickman