21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Martin Schaffer

Global Head of Cybersecurity Services, SGS Group

Martin Schaffer

Global Head of Cybersecurity Services, SGS Group


Conference Chair, Program Committee

Martin Schaffer is Global Head of Cybersecurity Services of SGS, the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, with deep expertise in cryptography and applied security for embedded devices as well as in security evaluation & certification. Before joining SGS, Martin worked for several years in the Semiconductor Industry in various roles, such as security architect, cryptographer and manager of a global security team. He is a regular speaker at international conferences and actively participates in industry associations, such as ECSO, Eurosmart and Charter of Trust. He was member of ENISA’s Advisory Group and since June 2020 is member of the Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group (SCCG), which advises the European Commission and ENISA on strategic issues regarding cybersecurity certification. Martin is also managing a joint venture security research center together with Graz University of Technology, with special focus on embedded security. Martin holds a PhD-degree in IT-security and cryptography from Klagenfurt University.