4-6 November | Sheraton Grand Doha, Qatar

Maureen Barry

Senior Principal Security Analyst, Oracle

Maureen Barry

Senior Principal Security Analyst, Oracle


Maureen Barry is a member of Oracle’s Security Evaluations team in Global Product Security working as a Senior Principal Security Analyst. She supports Oracle’s Common Criteria and FIPS certifications. Maureen has worked with the Common Criteria and FIPS-140 standards for over 15 years as a consultant, project manager, program manager and lab manager before joining Oracle in 2018. In her last lab role, she opened up a new Common Criteria lab in Canada and moved a FIPS lab from the US to Canada. She is currently the chair of the DBMS international Technical Community and an active participant in various working groups. Maureen holds a Project Manager Professional (PMP) certification and graduated from the University of Waterloo.

All sessions by Maureen Barry