4-6 November | Sheraton Grand Doha, Qatar

Ruud Derwig

System & Security Architect, Synopsys

Ruud Derwig

System & Security Architect, Synopsys


Ruud Derwig has 25+ years of experience with system architectures for embedded systems. Key areas of expertise are hardware and software IPs for security, operating systems, and other low-level platform software. He holds a master’s degree in computing science and a professional doctorate in engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology. Ruud worked at Philips Research and NXP Semiconductors and is currently Security & Systems Architect in Synopsys’ Solutions Group. Ruud has contributed to various industry consortia, such as Eurosmart, various Linux Foundation projects, EEMBC, and European innovation projects. Ruud chairs the Soft-IP taskforce of Eurosmart and is an active member of ITSC and ISCI-WG1.

All sessions by Ruud Derwig