4-6 November | Sheraton Grand Doha, Qatar

Vashek Matyas

Professor, Masaryk University

Vashek Matyas

Professor, Masaryk University


Václav (Vashek) Matyáš is a Professor at Masaryk University, Brno, heading its Centre for Research on Cryptography and Security. His research interests relate to applied cryptography and security. He worked also with Red Hat Czech, CyLab at Carnegie Mellon University, as a Fulbright-Masaryk Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Microsoft Research Cambridge, University College Dublin, Ubilab at UBS AG, and as a Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellow with the Cambridge University Computer Lab. Vashek also worked on the Common Criteria and in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27. He can be contacted at matyas AT fi.muni.cz.

Presentations by Vashek Matyas