21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Vicente Gonzalez Pedros

Cybersecurity Expert, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)

Vicente Gonzalez Pedros

Cybersecurity Expert, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)


Vicente Gonzalez joined the Market, Certification and Standardisation Unit of EU Agency for Cybersecurity in March 2021, and also is part of the Research and innovation team. He is currently the Chair of ENISA Thematic Group for Vulnerability Handling on Certified Solutions. Prior joining ENISA he worked for 17 years for a state-owned company property of the Spanish Ministry of Defence – ISDEFE. Vicente holds multiple Cybersecurity certifications, CISSP, CISM, CISA and ETH.

All sessions by Vicente Gonzalez Pedros