21-23 October | Central Park Hotel Songdo, Korea

Soft IP Certification, a Glimpse into the Future (A21d)

18 Nov 2020
4:30 pm-5:00 pm

Soft IP Certification, a Glimpse into the Future (A21d)

The next CC version will incorporate the Composite evaluation methodology as it has been already successfully used for decades within the domain of smart cards and similar devices. Composition evaluations use a strong methodology that allows an embedded developer to certify a TOE that includes a part that is certified during a platform evaluation.   To increase the performance of traditional embedded devices, the market is moving towards System on Chip (SoC) designs. These SoCs tightly integrate various modules, and these modules can be designed by various parties. Additionally, the security of the system is moving to lower levels in the design, into modules that are developed by third parties. Therefore, it makes sense to evaluate the security of these modules separately.   This presentation makes the case for evaluating these lower level modules within the existing model of composite evaluations, including the potential benefits and drawbacks on the back of the first use case, using the SOGIS JIL methodology as part of an EAL6+ Common Criteria evaluation.